CALICLIC BEACH RESORT: Samal Island Garden (El Paril)
Caliclic Beach Resort |
Caliclic Beach Resort known as El Paril located in Samal Island Garden before Altavista Beach Resort (read more about in this beach resort altavista here on this website), this is also in front of Davao city, with this beach resort has a white sand beach area and it's perfect for team building why? It's because of this wide surroundings, you can also buy snacks inside of this beach resort because they have a mini store inside as well but expect, that every store on this beach resort is slightly expensive. They have also people who service for a tattoo inside of this beach resort if you are willing to have a tattoo. I visited twice this beach resort and I observed that this beach resort was rich by a sea cucumber, it is a food that you can make it a raw dish just like raw dish of anchovy (kinilaw na bolinaw).
Caliclic Beach Resort Hunting Sea Cucumber |
Sea Cucumber Samal Island |
Samal Island Caliclic Beach Resort |
Samal Island Caliclic Beach Resort Babak |
Caliclic Beach Resort Area |
Samal Island Caliclic Beach Resort Cottage |
Samal Island Caliclic Beach Resort Dance Fun with Badjaos |
Badjao Dancing with them Samal Island El Paril |
Videoke Area Samal Caliclic |
Drone Shot Caliclic Beach Resort |
Drone Shot Caliclic Beach Resort (2) |
Drone Shot Caliclic Beach Resort Footage |
To get this beach resort El Paril Caliclic, you can start in Davao City Sasa kilometer 11 in the wharf, just pay for the transportation fare 10 pesos on the barge to Samal island garden. Once you've bound to the Samal island, just prepare budget of 50 pesos but it is not exactly 50 pesos fare, maybe 20 or 30 pesos per head depends on the motorcycle. If you have to solo travel in the Caliclic Beach Resort well? pick a single motorcycle habal-habal and fair enough for 50 pesos. If you're in a group travel, I suggest to pick a tricycle (20 - 40 php per head) to travel and it is not far to go that destination on this beach resort, let say it's a half of kilometer of far (note that beware of the high price service on the tricycles or motorcycles once if you've bound on the Samal port, use first the google maps before you go that Beach Resort).
Summary of expenses to go in Caliclic Beach Resort:
- Barge fare (Davao to Samal) - 10 php
- Motorcycle/Tricycle - 20 to 50 php
- Beach Resort Entrance - Day tour 20 php / Overnight 25 php
- Open Cottage - Daytour 75 php / Overnight 100 php
- Closed Cottage - 400 php
- Tent - 30 php
- Corkage - Softdrinks per case - 50 php , per bottle - 10 php, liquor - 15 php
- Karaoke - 80 php
The Megacity of Samal deduced its name from the Isamals who were its first occupants. The Isamals were brought by the first and alternate swells of migration from the Malay Region of Southeast Asia, dynastically ruled by a Datu up to the early part of the American Regime. The rearmost ruling ethnical Chieftain was Datu Taganiog who failed on January 28, 1948. Discovery revealed that the ultimate lived at “ Malibasa” ( now known as Peñaplata, the poblacion) where he exercised his general supervision. The word “ Malibasa” meant honorable. The Isamals lived in perfect harmony as peace- loving people.
When the Department of Mindanao and Sulu was formed by the American Government, the Governor-General created the archipelago into a quarter megacity which was composed of the Islet of Samal, Talicud, Cruz, Ligid, the Malipano Islands and the Arboles (Sanipahan). The quarter was governed by the District President, DistrictVice-President and the members of the city council whose term of office depended on the trust and confidence of the Provincial Governor who was the appointing officer.
On July 8, 1948, the District Municipality of Samal was created into a regular external commercial by virtue of Administrative OrderNo. 151, issued by the late President Elpedio Quirino. District Mayor Apolonio Mahinay was reappointed by Provincial Governor Miranda as the External Mayor of the Island Municipality of Samal, which position he held until December 31, 1951, He lost the mayoralty position to the late External Mayor SimplicioB. Obenza during the choices of November 8, 1951. Unfortunately, Mayor Obenza failed on July 7, 1971 and was succeeded by his Vice Mayor FelixO. Solamo,Jr. who was also defeated by Mayor GalileoS. Obenza, the son of the late Mayor, in November 1971 choices.
On May 28, 1953, the son Megacity of Babak was created by virtue of Administrative OrderNo. 586, issued by President Quirino. The division of the old Province of Davao into three (3) businesses replaced. The southern portions of Samal Island was created as the Megacity of Kaputian by virtue of Republic ActNo. 4745 dated July 18, 1966 issued by the late President FerdinandE. Marcos leaving Babak which was the mama megacity with fifteen (15) Barangays. In early 60 ′ s, the Megacity of Samal was predominated by Cebuanos constituting 70 the total number of population while the 22 were Isamals and the 8 were composed of Boholanos, Ilonggos, Leytenos, Muslims and others from Luzon. Utmost of the islet occupants were growers and fishers. There were only many professionals.
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