KAMANDAG WATERFALLS: Makilala North Cotabato

Kamandag Waterfalls North Cotabato Makilala
Kamandag Waterfalls North Cotabato Makilala

Kamandag Falls is located in Makilala North Cotabato Mindanao Philippines, tour guide said us that they are 25 waterfalls in total but the other 12 is not available to open tour. During travel we encountered two bigger or biggest waterfalls on there and the others are kawa-kawa , we also saw people enjoyed playing and swimming on their waterfalls and kawa-kawa. I also amazed the beauty of the Kamandag waterfalls and that was my first time visiting in the waterfalls on that year 2019. Swear it's very tired, panting and thirsty during trek and I am not good also on trekking. You must also bring a lot of water and food for emergencies (free water optional you can drink a water from the waterfall see image below) then after you bound that water fall, all of your tired are gone! NOTE that clean as you go, means that you don't let your garbage on your place.

Kamandag Waterfalls North Cotabato Makilala Large Waterfall
Large Waterfall Kamandag

Kamandag Waterfalls North Cotabato Makilala Kawa Kawa
Kamandag Waterfall Kawa-Kawa

How to get there in Kamandag Waterfalls

Starting in Kidapawan Jeepney Terminal to Old Bulatukan for 20 or 25 minutes travel, After we bound that place Old Bulatukan, just prepare 100 pesos budget for back and forth fare for Motorcycle to travel direct in waterfall places and also you must also budget the tour guide for 100 pesos per head since we are in 4 members.

Kamandag falls small water drain can drink
Kamandag falls small water drain

Kamandag Waterfall free water
Kamandag Waterfall free water

Kamandag falls clean as you go
Kamandag Falls clean as you go

Summary of expenses for Kamandag Water fall budget

  • Kidapawan Jeepney Terminal to Old Bulatukan - 30 Pesos
  • Old Bulatukan to Kamandag Waterfalls (Back and Forth Service) - 100 Pesos
  • Tour Guide Service - 100 Pesos / head

We're visiting Kamandag falls in morning only and not taking overnight, At 4pm going to leave at the entrance, I am not sure if they are allow to service overnight, we saw people bringing tents at the entrance and we don't know where they're going. If they are going to leave by tomorrow to go inside the waterfalls or they are going to trek. So just I'm wondering if there are some secrets on that place (other waterfalls we didn't passing by) to the another waterfalls and it's kinda interesting.


Before the coming of the Christian settlers from Luzon and the Visayas which had accelerated the growth of agreements and latterly gave rise to bustling cosmopolises, this area named Cotabato was inhabited by colorful ethnical groups videlicet the Manobos, the Bagobos and the Muslims eventually in 1500A.D. These colorful lines are believed to be descendants of Indonesian emigrants owing to their similarity in physical structure and language.

According to a Manobo creation myth, the rich deluge plain between the Kulaman and the Pulangi Rivers was the motherland of life on earth. Soil stolen from another world was deposited in this place, which they relate to as pinamua or “ land of the morning”.
When the Maguindanao Sultan agreed to Spanish sovereignty in 1861, the social government organized several sections to cover the vast plain of the Pulangi. Those who defied the Spaniards fled towards the interior, to Pagalungan and continued defying Spanish intrusion into the region. The quarter of Cotabato was formed in 1860. In 1871, the quarter covered the military areas of Polloc, Malabang, Reina Regente, Taceran, Babia, Illana, Baras and Lebac. What's presently Cotabato remained outside the area of Spanish conditioning.

The area covered by the conglomerate Province of Cotabato is the home presently enthralled by the businesses of Cotabato (the mama fiefdom), South Cotabato, Maguindanao, Sarangani and Sultan Kudarat, including the area now covered by General Santos and Cotabato Metropolises. “ Cotabato” comes from the Maguindanao “ Kuta Wato”, or “ Stone Fort”, and bespeaks of the long tradition of courage and resistance that marks the history of the Pulangi River receptacle. Its capital was also Cotabato ( now a megacity, a city along the Rio Grande some five kilometers from where said swash empties into the ocean on the west).
The total land area of the original Cotabato before its division was hectares or about one thirteenth of the whole country which has an area of about 30 million hectares. So big was the original fiefdom that its area was about the size of the central plain of Luzon and bigger than six countries in the United States, including the countries of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. The total land area of the Hawaiian Islets ( now aU.S. state) is only about three-fourths that of Cotabato.

The effectivity of the operation of the original fiefdom of Cotabato was on September 1, 1914. The date when the creation of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu took effect pursuant to the Philippine Commission ActNo. 2408 dated July 23, 1914, an Act furnishing for a temporary form of government for the home known as the Department of Mindanao and Sulu, making applicable thereto, with certain exceptions the vittles of general laws now in force in the Philippine Island, and for other purposes.
Before the passage of the below- mentioned Act by the Philippine Commission, Cotabato was noway called a fiefdom. It was just distributed as a bare quarter of the Moro Province. The Moro Province was composed of all the political services of Mindanao and Sulu, banning the two Misamis Businesses and Surigao. The huge fiefdom (Moro fiefdom) was created by the Philippine Commission on July 15, 1903 in ActNo. 787 and presumably because no Filipino had any knowledge of surveying at the time, the territorial governance of the Cotabato District was roughly described, wanting in definiteness and generally giving rise to boundary conflicts with neighboring businesses.

The Moro fiefdom was governed by military governors, the last being General JohnJ. Pershing, who was succeeded in December 1913 by the first mercenary governor, FrankW. Carpenter. The early Filipinos were heathens – worshippers of the sun, the moon and some creatures like Kalupindo ( Pantomimist). Mohammedanism or Islam was the first “ imported” religion in Cotabato. It was first introduced in the after part of the 15th century by Shariff Kabunsuan, a fabulous Muslim missionary who latterly ruled Cotabato with his descendants and established the Sultanate of Mindanao.
Shariff Kabunsuan and his descendants ruled Cotabato until the coming of the Americans in the early part of the twentieth century. One important point established by the reign of Shariff Kabunsuan was the preface of a system of government called Datuism. The system of government is until moment still being rehearsed by some Mohammedans who venerate the datu as the dispenser or legislator of death. This system developed Muslim culture and kept Muslim united in their struggles against nonnatives.

The northern part of Cotabato particularly along the boundaries of Davao and Bukidnon was fairly innocent during the emergence of Mohammedanism in the fiefdom. The reason was that, as mentioned before, some of the datus had settled at the bottom ofMt. Apo and inland transportation was still delicate during those days so that the only accessible way was thru the swash. Indeed also, the lines who enthralled the mounds, along the Pulangi swash, which extends up to the fiefdom of Bukidnon weren't converted to Mohammedanism. When the Muslim converts and missionaries migrated further north thru the swash, the Malayan highlanders just went overhead to the bottom ofMt. Apo in different groups, which also developed into different ethnical groups.
The affluence of Spanish “ conquistadores” also didn't affect the northern part of the fiefdom. The Spaniards came to subdue the “ Moros” or Muslim rovers who attacked several islets of the Visayas and Luzon, at the turn of the 17th century. To help the farther penetration of Muslim rovers, a stronghold was established at Tamontaka.

The Spaniards arrived in Cotabato way back in 1696 when Captain Rodriguez de Figueroa attained from the Spanish government the exclusive right to populate Mindanao. On February 1, 1596, he left Iloilo and landed at the mouth of Rio Grande de Mindanao, in what's known moment as Cotabato City. With Cotabato as the base, the Spanish “ conquistadores” tried to enter the interior region following the Rio Grande and reached as far as Pikit to cover the Spaniards from nonstop importunity from the Mohammedans. Moment, the Spanish Fort in Pikit still stands as the only relic of Spanish social power in the fiefdom.
The American forces arrived in the early part of the twentieth century. The Mohammedans under Datu Alamada and Datu Ali put up a veritably strong resistance in Midsayap, which whisked the coming of General Leonard Wood, also Military Governor, to tête-à-tête lead the assault on the fort. But with the prisoner of the fort in Midsayap, the Mohammedans engaged the military forces in guerilla warfare.

One important thing that the Americans did which caused a great impact in the fiefdom was their policy of magnet. This policy was aimed at persuading the Muslims of the sincerity of the American rule in the country. It was also aimed at restoring peace and order and implanting political advancement and training in the art of tone- government.
Though Islam was the first religion, Christianity also was introduced latterly in 1596.

The first Christian settlers in Cotabato from outside of Mindanao- substantially came from the Province of Cebu and arrived in Pikit on June 17, 1913 at the decree and as a result of the sweats of the latePres. Sergio Osmeña who was also Speaker of the Philippine Commission. Charges of their transfer to the “ land of pledge” were subsidized by the government. The Director of the “ Colono” ( name given to the settlers at that time) was a Supervisor by the name Maximo Abad, a government- appointed functionary, who took care of the settlers’needs, like food, ranch tools, etc. There were six further batches of “ colonos” that arrived after June 17, 1913. From Pikit, children and kin of settlers latterly moved westwards to Midsayap and eastward to Kidapawan.
Other Agreements were organized latterly in General Santos, Marbel, Kiamba, Tupi, Banga and bordering places. Utmost of the settlers came from Luzon and were better attended to by the National Land Settlement Administration (NLSA) and the Land Settlement Development Corporation (LASEDECO). Succeeding entry of enterprising Visayans and Luzonians came latterly at their own volition and charges.

It wasn't always all grins and happiness for the people of Cotabato. The times between 1941 and 1945 were unhappy times. Cotabato wasn't spared the despoilments of war. Atrocities and destruction of the Japanese Imperial Forces was endured by nearly every Filipino. The alternate World War was a black chapter in our history but development albeit slow-paced, and the normal functions of government proceeded after we were liberated by the American Forces led by General Douglas McArthur.
The biggest fiefdom in the country (Cotabato) had only one megacity when it was created a fiefdom on September 1, 1914 Cotabato Municipality, its capital, which came a megacity in 1959. Before the outbreak of World War II on December 7, 1941, Cotabato fiefdom had only three (3) cosmopolises Cotabato, Dulawan ( latterly named Datu Piang, in honor of Amai Mingka, the father of Governor Ugalingan Piang and Congressman Gumbay Piang) and Midsayap. The ultimate two were contemporaneously created on November 25, 1936.

While the original Cotabato had an area of some hectares, the present Cotabato home covers only hectares or a bit further than one-fourth of the size of the Original Cotabato.
The original Cotabato first endured its first “ slicing” or reduction of size in 1966 when South Cotabato was separated from the conglomerate fiefdom. The first “ slice” (South Cotabato) before belongs to Region XI. After the reduction, the reduced conglomerate fiefdom still had 34 cosmopolises left, one of which (Carmen was bigger than the Province of Tarlac.

Our remaining fiefdom, after the separation of South Cotabato was effected in 1966, was again divided into three (3) quarter businesses, videlicet North Cotabato, Maguindanao and Sultan Kudarat, pursuant to Presidential DecreeNo. 341, dated November 22, 1973. The Batas Pambansa later renamed North Cotabato to just Cotabato in BPNo. 660 on December 19, 1983, striking off the word “ North.”

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